Beautiful hand lettered calligraphy for any occasion. Weddings, custom word art, gifts, personalize anything!


Hi! My name is Lara Kiniris and ever since I was a child, I loved to write. I kept journals and doodled endlessly. I started playing around with calligraphy in my twenties.  I practiced different styles for years as a hobby and then when I had children, I decided to stay home and make a small business of it. Little did I know how much I would truly love it. And little did I know that it would flourish into a growing business where I get to try new things all the time, working with people across the United States.   

It has been such a joy to work with the wonderful couples and clients who appreciate the personal touch that calligraphy provides.  It's such a lost art.\

Over the years, I have developed my own styles and named each one after someone special.  I continue to learn and create more styles and now enjoy giving workshops to teach others the beauty of calligraphy and brush lettering.